On 10.04.2023 “Siven Bulgaria” OOD concluded Contract No. BG-RRP-3.004-1386-C01 for
grant-in-aid under the National Recovery Plan operational program
and sustainability”, procedure BG-RRP-3.004 “Technological modernization”, name of
project proposal “Technological modernization in the enterprise”
Name of the project: “Technological modernization in the enterprise”
The term for the implementation of the Agreement is 12 months, with the project starting on 10.04.2023 and
ends on 04/10/2024
The general purpose of the proposal for the implementation of an investment (the project) is to increase
the efficiency and optimization of the production processes of SIVEN BULGARIA, through
purchase and implementation of new technological equipment as a factor for growth and development
of the company.
The general objective of the project will be realized by achieving the following specific objectives:
– increasing the efficiency of production processes in the design technological stages,
creating and multiplying cuts and sewing, by purchasing and implementing new
technological equipment;
– achieving higher productivity in the processes of design, creation and
reproduction of cuts and sewing;
– expansion of production capacity by implementing new high-tech
– digitization of work processes for design, creation and reproduction of cuts and
sewing through the purchase and implementation of modern production assets and technologies.
The specific project objectives will be achieved through the implementation of activity for
"Acquisition of new technologies with an emphasis on the digitization of production
processes with a view to expanding production capacity and/or diversifying
the offered products/services” aimed at acquiring new technological equipment,
promoting the application of information and communication technologies in production
process and expansion of production capacity, through the acquired through
the investment assets.
The proposal for the implementation of an investment will be implemented under the conditions of the “de
minimis” according to Regulation (EU) No. 1407/2013, within the set period of 12 months.
Additionally, the investment provided for in the project fully complies with the principles of
“doing no significant harm” to the environment and contributing to the ecological transition
On the side.
The total budget of the project is worth BGN 370,800.00, with the financial contribution of
The European Fund for Regional Development and national co-financing is in the amount of
179,838.00 and the co-financing by “SiVen Bulgaria” OOD is BGN 190,962.00.