“SIVEN” Today
Siven management has approved a growth plan till the end of 2021. It encompasses the following direction:
Renovation of the machinery park
Purchase of additional modules of computer programs for the designers’ department aiming optimization of the models development process
Updating of software GERBER / CAD/CAM
Participation in specialized expos in other countries
Extension of the product line
Partnerships with companies producing certified products that can’t be produced in Bulgaria.
If you need wear for presentation purposes or a complete corporate project, we can guarantee you that you will get our full attention and we will provide you with professional project to high quality product in accordance with your needs and requirements!
“SIVEN” Standards
SIVEN has ISO 9001:2008 certification for quality standards and the up to date ISO 9001:2008, 14001
Production technology and materials:
Bioceramica – inovative materilal
Bemis – seam sealing tape technology.
Primaloft – high technology thermal insulation
Thinsulate – light weight thermal insulation.
YKK – materials with long lasting exploitation
Cordura – anti-peeling and abrasion resistance material.
Articulated sleeves – for maximum comfort.
All these technologies are suitable for the production of tactical and military clothing that have proved out in many orders we have executed for different agencies. For example: Bahrein military force – seam tapped fur coat, polar – three layers, anti-peeling, tactical trousers. Firefighting services in France – fur coat and pants with seam sealing tape, tactical clothing for foreign missions in Afghanistan under the NATO brand logo. The Forest police Bureau of Serbia – non-flammable clothing with membrane technology and seam sealing tape technology.
Our history